Salad Bar Beef

Herbivores in nature exhibit three characteristics: mobbing for predator protection, movement daily onto fresh forage and away from yesterday’s droppings, and a diet consisting of forage only – no dead animals, no chicken manure, no grain, and no fermented forage. Polyface Farm’s goal is to approximate this template as closely as possible. Polyface cows eat forage only, a new pasture paddock roughly every day, and stay herded tightly with portable electric fencing. This natural model heals the land, thickens the forage, reduces weeds, stimulates earthworms, reduces pathogens, and increases nutritional qualities in the meat. The term “salad bar beef” is a reference to the cows’ “salad bar” diet of diverse vegetation found within every square foot of pasture on the farm, made possible by the Salitan family’s firm commitment to polyculture and other regenerative farming principles.
Pasture Quick Meal Starter Box
$ 249.00
Pasture Beef/Chicken Bone Box
$ 149.00
Sold Out
Pasture Beef Premium Cut Box
$ 349.00
Pasture Quick Meal Premium Box
$ 499.00
Sold Out
Pasture Roasts & Stew Starter Box
$ 299.00

Meet the maker

Polyface Farm

All our meats are sourced directly from Polyface Farms, owned and operated by Joel Salatin and the Salatin family for four generations. Often referred to as the patriarch of biodynamic farming and a self-proclaimed “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer,” Joel is a strong advocate of supporting local agriculture and freely shares what he’s learned about not only conserving the earth’s resources and healing the land, but harvesting nature’s bounty while simultaneously improving, rather than depleting, our environment.

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