Raw Organic Probiotic Sauerkraut - Pick Your Favorite Flavor(s)
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The Magic of Raw Organic Sauerkraut
Raw organic sauerkraut is a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, sauerkraut is known to support digestion, aid in detoxification, enhance nutrient absorption, and promote overall well-being. Dr. Cowan recommends eating a raw organic ferment with every meal, and our sauerkraut is an excellent choice.
How Is Our Sauerkraut Made?
High quality raw lacto-fermented sauerkraut has been made the same way for centuries, and it all begins with a short list of simple ingredients, which when combined, kick-start the natural lacto-fermentation process that creates delicious, probiotic-rich raw sauerkraut aka “the good stuff.” Here’s what you need to know :

Our ancestors grew bountiful harvests without harmful chemicals; following their lead, we have chosen to support family farmers who promote biodiversity and soil health, contributing to the sustainability of the ecosystem and the wellbeing of our living world. We start with organic cabbage grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. For our flavored krauts, we also add other organic vegetables (carrots, beets, jalepenos…) The vegetables are shredded and added to fermentation vessels, along with natural salt (kosher sea salt and Himalyan salt) and some filtered water. Nothing else is added. The lacto-fermentation process happens naturally.

The term "raw" in raw organic sauerkraut refers to the fact that the cabbage is not cooked before fermentation. This is crucial because the heat from cooking can destroy many of the natural enzymes and beneficial bacteria that are vital for the fermentation process. Raw sauerkraut is made by a method known as lacto-fermentation, where natural bacteria feed on sugar and starch in the cabbage, creating lactic acid. This process not only preserves the cabbage, but also creates probiotics essential for gut health. By keeping the sauerkraut raw, these probiotics remain alive and active, ready to contribute to your body's microbiome. Consuming raw sauerkraut ensures that you receive the maximum benefits from these friendly bacteria, making it a superior choice for your digestive health.

The fermentation process that turns cabbage into sauerkraut is a fascinating natural transformation. It starts when cabbage is mixed with salt and packed tightly to remove air and create an anaerobic environment. Natural bacteria present on the cabbage leaves, primarily of the Lactobacillus species, begin to convert sugars into lactic acid. This lactic acid acts as a natural preservative. Over time, the acidity increases, and the environment becomes inhospitable for any bacteria that could spoil the cabbage, while promoting the growth of probiotics. The result is a tangy, crunchy, and nutritious food that is easier to digest than raw cabbage. This process is a perfect example of how a simple method can enhance the nutritional profile of a food without the need for artificial preservatives or additives.