Fish Paté
By Esther Boateng
Do you like sardines on toast? If so, you’re bound to enjoy this omega-rich pate. Not a huge fan of fish? Give it a go anyway. Additional ingredients such as freshly squeezed lemon juice, dill, and cream cheese go a long way to mask the distinct taste of sardines and anchovies, which many of us either love or loathe.
Anchovies are known for their exceptional saltiness. One small fillet provides all the salt you’ll need in this recipe; there’s no need to add anymore. The blend of dulse, wakame, and kelp in the sea vegetables powder also contributes to the salty flavor profile.
Feel free to use your favorite cream cheese when you make your pate. If you’re not keen on cream cheese, cottage cheese, mayonnaise or sour cream are great substitutes. You can also substitute the dill with chives.
The recipe only takes a few minutes to make, and you could easily prepare it for your lunch or an afternoon snack. I prefer a chunky pate, but you can also make a smooth pate by blending the ingredients together in a food processor until you reach the desired consistency. With that said, you’d probably need to scale up the ingredients and make a larger batch so they don’t stick to the sides of the food processor.